Green Fund Projects

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Funded by The Student Green Fee

Instituted in 2009, the Green Fund has awarded funding for 340 projects, totaling over $3.6 million allocated in sustainability across the SIU Carbondale campus community. Categories of projects have included food, energy efficiency, renewable energy, greening/grounds, transportation, waste, and outreach for sustainability efforts.

Click here to download a full list of projects (2009 to present).

Green Fund Project Reports

The following project reports are categorized based on round (semester) for the fall and spring terms. Project manager contact information has been removed from some reports. NOTE: Funding criteria has changed over the years. Projects proposed now that are similar to those funded in the past may not be funded again. In fact, we encourage applicants to look at new, emerging trends and to develop innovative solutions to existing sustainability challenges. Reference our Green Fund Grant Program page for more information about our evaluation process.

The first link for each project (embedded in the project name) is the final report. Some projects also include additional information (please click on the "more information" link).

Round 21 Spring 2024 - Press release

Round 20 Spring 2023 - Press release

Round 17 Spring 2020 - Press release

Round 16 Spring 2019 - Press release

Round 15 Spring 2018 - Press release

Round 14 Spring 2017 - Press release

Round 13 Spring 2016 - Press release

Round 12 Spring 2015 - Press release

Round 10 Spring 2014

Round 8 Spring 2013

Round 7 Fall 2012

Round 6 Spring 2012

Round 5 Fall 2011

Round 4 Spring 2011

Round 3 Fall 2010

Round 2 Spring 2010

Round 1 Fall 2009

Documentation standards have changed over the years. Highlights are included from the Green Fund’s early years, while more detailed information is available for recent years.

Sustainability-related Projects Receiving Support From the Green Fund:

Gear IconSIU Restorative Club RSO - The SIU Restoration Club RSO was given money to turn the overgrown garden by Life Sciences II into a garden with different specimens of prairie grass. The original site was tilled and weeded, and a new stone path was put in. Clusters of 2-3 specimens have been planted with signaled identifying them, and a large sign discussing the background of prairielands in Illinois has been installed to help educate students and visitors about grasses native to our state.

Gear IconPlant and Service Operations (PSO) - With Green Fund help, PSO installed 4 trash/recycling containers featuring a solar-powered compacting mechanism and a “smart belly” function to indicate when a container is nearly full. 

In 2004, SIU received a grant to install a 28kW photovoltaic solar array by the Plant and Service Operations building. Since then, the array has produced over 91,000 kWh of electricity to offset electric purchases from other sources, and has been used for educational and research opportunities.

Gear IconSustainable Farm - The Sustainable Farm has received several Green Fund grants In 2012, the Sustainable Farm built both high and low polytunnels to extend its growing season into the winter months, providing fresh produce to students when it is normally scarce. Excess vegetables are sold at local farmer’s markets for further income to support the operation.

Gear IconImagining Geographies - Imagining Geographies was a College of Mass Communication and Media Arts-led, university- & region-wide interdisciplinary initiative with two primary missions: the first of which is to advance investigations, knowledge creation and mobilization, discussion, and multiple forms of expression by faculty, staff, and students across SIU related to space, place, culture, and identity. The second is to share these efforts with the SIU community and residents of Southern Illinois.