Get Involved

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Whether a student, staff, faculty, or community member, we have ways for you to get involved with sustainability. Find out more!

Get Involved

From simple conscientious everyday actions to involvement in long-term sustainability projects, your participation in sustainable initiatives here at SIU and beyond, allows you to be a part of a growing, healthier, and more conscious campus. 

As a community, we are committed to empowering transformation towards a culture of sustainability. 

How do we do this? Through collaborative campus-based solutions and activities across academic, operations, research, and campus life.

With over a dozen unique ways to get involved, find out below all the different ways to participate!

Sustainability Get Involved

You Can:

~Join the Saluki Green Action Team

~Apply for a Green Fund Grant

~Take a sustainability-related class 

~Explore recycling options

~Become an Environmental Ambassador

~Apply to join the Sustainability Council

~Become a member of a registered student organization that values sustainability

~Volunteer in the Carbondale community


Join the Saluki Green Action Team, the gateway to news and knowledge at SIU!