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SIU Cami Sockow

A Sustainability Success Story

"Sustainability has helped me hone in on my love for people and the environment. Working at the SIU Sustainability Office allowed me to acquire skills that helped me gain a position after graduate school. I was fortunate to have a supervisor that not only guided me, but also gave me the freedom to pursue new ideas about programs and events I had for the office." 

- Cami Sockow, Climate Programs Midwest Regional Manager with Second Nature, Former SIU Sustainability GA

StraightUp Solar Donation

StraigthUp Solar Donation to the Office of Sustainability


SIU has a long history of sustainability-related initiatives, going back to the days when R. Buckminster Fuller was a faculty member at the university. We were the first university in Illinois to sign the Talloires Declaration and we are proud of our sustainability-related achievements, including:

Our student-initiated green fee has supported the allocation of over $2 million dollars toward campus sustainability initiatives. However, we know there is much more work to be done. Through the generous support of our alumni and donors, SIU Sustainability hopes to continue to move our campus forward from a sustainability perspective. We appreciate any and all contributions to help support our students, our campus, and our community.

Donations will support our Sustainability Activities Fund. This is a general fund to support the activities and promotions of the Sustainability Office. However, donations can be ear-marked for any of the following.

  • Student Sustainability Travel Award - A fund to support sending students to sustainability-related conferences.
  • Recycling Program – A fund to support SIU’s recycling program and promotion. We have a plan in place to modernize our recycling process, including updated bins and signage. More information about the recycling program can be found here.
  • Green Fund – A fund to support campus green initiatives. More information can be found about this grant program here.

To make a donation, use the button below. It will take you to the SIU Foundation, a designated 501(c) (3) organization with appropriate approval from the Internal Revenue Service to issue tax-deductible receipts for private gifts.  Thank you for your support.