Many projects need facility support or approval.
FEM (Facilities and Energy Management)
To request Green Fund proposal support or approval from FEM, email Include the following in your message:
- short description of green fund project idea
- intended location of project
- expected project budget
- whether or not this request is part of a class assignment or academic program (If so, please note if you plan to submit this proposal for official review by the Green Fund Committee.)
- any other information you feel is pertinent.
FEM provides this valuable service to support the Green Fund on a complementary basis. Be respectful of their time and avoid last minute requests. The Green Fund Committee communicates closely with FEM. Requests made prior to February 29th will receive priority consideration.
All Other Facilities
Requests associated with the following campus locations should initially be directed to the leaders of these units via the method listed here. These units will let you know if support is needed from FEM after you have discussed your project idea with them.
When are applications accepted?
The Green Fund Committee typically awards Green Fund grants once a year, with the deadline for submissions on March 24th.
Are grants awarded outside of the regular funding cycles?
How does the Committee determine funding?
See the "Project Criteria" section of our Green Fund Overview page.
I applied but did not receive funding in the last round. Is there an appeals process or can I reapply?
There is no appeals process for funding decisions. However, you are encouraged to consider feedback received, make changes to your proposal and reapply during a future funding round. We try to give detailed feedback for how rejected proposals can be improved for future consideration, so please refer to your feedback letter if you consider reapplying.
I’m a student and have a great idea to improve sustainability on campus! Can I apply and have my idea be funded?
Yes, of course! This is a student fee, and we highly encourage students to apply. However, in order to ensure that funds are being used correctly, we require that student applicants have a faculty, staff, or RSO advisor listed to help guide you through the process and oversee expenditures. We also require that relevant campus units approve and support your project prior to funding (for projects improving campus grounds this includes, but is not limited to, Plant and Service Operations).
I’m an alum/community member with a great idea. Can I apply for a Green Fund award?
No, at least not by yourself. Due to University fiscal policies and procurement issues, we require that the primary contact for a project be currently affiliated with SIU (current faculty, staff, or student) to be eligible to apply for funding. You may contact campus offices and coordinate an application with them, but ultimate responsibility must lie with an SIU department/office.
If I am awarded a Green Fund Grant, how is the funding disbursed?
Grants are generally funded with 50% of the award being disbursed after attending a mandatory awardee workshop and completing the Green Fund Awardee Agreement. (Here's an example of the agreement.) After the project is complete, the other 50% of funds are reimbursed.
I have received a Green Fund Award in the past and would like to receive additional funding for another phase of the project. Can I apply for another round of funding?
Yes, you may apply again as part of our normal funding schedule. Your application should clearly communicate the progress that you have made in your current or existing project. If possible, submit your final report prior to submitting your new application. If this is not possible, a project progress report, using the final report as a guide, should be included in the application.
How available should equipment purchased be to students, faculty, and staff?
This varies based on the project and will be assessed via the Outreach and Education section of the rubric found on our Green Fund page.
Do you have a completed sample of Green Fund proposal form to show what you expect from Green Fund applications?
Yes, we do! Please click here for a sample of a successful Green Fund application from our spring 2019 funding round. Note that the proposal author thoughtfully completed all areas, included a detailed budget, accounted for significant funding from outside sources, and detailed nearly a dozen supporting approvals, commitments, and appendices as attachments. (Attachments are not included in this link, but a summary of what was included in the original proposal is included in the pdf.)
Are attachments and letters of recommendation accepted with the application?
Yes! The Council requires approval from appropriate authorities for projects involving changing or building campus facilities, and letters stating this approval are required for consideration. The Council encourages diagrams, maps, expense quotes, etc. as attachments to give the Committee more information in its consideration of your application. Please try to attach any supporting documentation to your application or send it in the same email as your application.
How much detail is required?
The Committee expects all of the areas requested to be filled out with enough detail to give insight into what you are trying to do with the project and specific aspects of the project which fit into each area. You are free to provide attachments with information you feel like presenting, but make sure the application form contains all the important information needed for the Committee to make its decision. Be sure to provide sufficient detail in the budget so we know exactly how you expect to spend funds, should your project be funded.
My project doesn't hit all of the areas that you mention in the application. Can I still be funded?
Yes; however, the more areas you hit, the better chance your project will be awarded funding. However, please be realistic in stating the benefits of your proposal in each area. Since these awards are funded by a student fee, special consideration is given to those projects with significant student involvement. It is ultimately up to the Committee to evaluate your proposal against other applications submitted.
Should I look for funding from my department or other sources in addition to the Green Fund?
Yes! The Committee looks very favorably on those projects with matching or significant other additional outside funding. This shows that you have received buy-in on your project idea from others. Again, it is ultimately up to the Committee to evaluate your proposal against other applications submitted.
Could volunteer hours be included as "Other Funds?"
Volunteer hours should not be included as "other funds." While they do not add monetary value, they should be included, if applicable, in another part of the application and and are looked upon favorably.