Football Tailgate

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SIU Athletics and the Sustainability Office

Since 2015, SIU Sustainability has been partnering with SIU Athletics to promote recycling to our football game day tailgaters. In 2018, we expanded our promotion into the stadium.

We rely on our partnerships with Plant and Service Operations (PSO) Grounds, PSO Building Services, and our Saluki Green Action Team volunteers to support this initiative.

Summary of our 2018 program:

Congratulations, Saluki fans, you have helped us to divert a total of 6540 pounds of recyclables from the landfill during the 2018 football season! 


Recycling total (season total): 6540 pounds 

Recycling rate (season average): 0.1925 pounds/person

Diversion rate (season average): 31.68%

Record-breaking games:

Recycling total: 1940 pounds9/29/18 (Family Weekend)

Recycling rate: 0.258 pounds/person: 10/20/18 (Homecoming)

Diversion rate: 41.8%10/20/18 (Homecoming)

Thank you for helping us to create a more sustainable southern Illinois!