Take Action!
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Hello Saluki Green Action Team!
Did you know: Our first Take Action post went out on May 9, 2017? Since then, we have grown exponentially in numbers and impact!
To continue to communicate with our growing team and to strengthen the impact we have made, we are consolidating our Saluki Green Action Team with our Sustainability Office.
Take Action: If you aren't already, please be sure to follow our Sustainability Office social media pages so we can stay connected. We will be posting our weekly Take Action posts and updates on our Sustainability pages.
Facebook: SIU Sustainability
Twitter: @SIUsustain
Instagram: siusustainability
We're moving social media pages!!!
Follow our sustainaiblity office pages to stay connected!
Facebook: SIU Sustainability
Twitter: @SIUsustain
Instagram: siusustainability
Share our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram posts! Invite your friends to sign up!
Keep up the great work,
Saluki Green Action Team