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Hello Saluki Green Action Team!   

We are almost at the end of Recyclemania 2018, the (friendly) national competition among United States colleges and universities to promote waste reduction. This week, we will focus on an eco-friendly, fun, and inexpensive way to both reduce waste and revamp your wardrobe! Instead of throwing out clothes that you no longer wear, why not recycle them, repurpose them or swap clothes with family, friends or other people in the community?  

Did You Know: that over 80 billion pieces of clothing are produced around the world annually? Here are some facts to consider: 

  • A single cotton shirt requires 700 gallons of water to manufacture – the equivalent amount of water can sustain one person for 900 days. 
  • The average American throws out about 82 tons of textiles yearly, creating about 11 million tons of waste in the US alone. 
  • It takes up to 40 years for the average clothing item to decompose. 
  • 95% of textiles can be reused through charitable donations, swapping, or creating new items from old ones. 
  • Clothing items can also be repurposed into several items including pillow stuffing. 
  • 70% of the world's population wears second-hand clothing at one point or another!  
Source: http://www.planetaid.org/blog/8-little-known-facts-about-our-clothing-habitshttp://www.takepart.com/video/2015/05/29/clothes-trash-landfill/  

SGAT Karen and Cole check out clothing from a thrift store.

Photo Caption: Sustainability Design Volunteer Cole Dugan and Sustainability Program Coordinator Karen Schauwecker shop at a local thrift shop.
Photo Credit: Evelyn Aden, Graduate Student (M.S. in Professional Media and Media Management), SGAT member. 

Take Action: 

  • Watch this short video about clothing waste and share with friends and family to raise awareness: http://www.takepart.com/video/2015/05/29/clothes-trash-landfill  
  • Instead of throwing out your old clothes, consider sending them to thrift shops. You can also patronize these shops for clothes. Carbondale has several around that you can choose from. 
  • You can donate to a charity that redistributes clothing to those in need. 
  • Come join us at our next Recyclemania event SWAP SOIREE: tomorrow (Wednesday) March 21st from 10a.m. – 2p.m. at the Student Center. 

swap soiree

Swap Soiree

A fun, eco-friendly way to reduce textile waste. Swap out and trade your gently used clothing to refresh your wardrove and reduce waste.

When: Wednesday, March 21, 10 am - 2 pm.

Where: Student Center 1st floor, South End

To Win a Prize: Share our post on our Facebook page or on Instagram/Twitter to be entered for a chance to win this month's prize!  

Invite your friends to join the team, too. If they mention that you referred them when they sign upyou'll receive an extra entry in our next prize drawing.  

Keep up the great work, Saluki Green Action Team>greenaction@siu.edu || @siugreenaction