Instructor Resources

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Instructor Resources

Check out the ideas below to help incorporate sustainability into your curriculum! If you are an instructor and have an exercise or lesson related to sustainability, please share it with us! In addition, if you have any questions about sustainable curriculum let us know, we would be happy to assist you.

Campus resources for Instructors:

First Friday Green Tour: On our Friday Green Tours, students enjoy a campus-wide walk to experience sustainability projects first hand. Instructors are encouraged to engage their students with these educational and fun tours, as an extra credit. (If you request it, we will send you a list of students who attended our tour.)

Saluki Green Action Team (SGAT): Some faculty have leveraged this program, including it on their syllabus, D2L page, or other course materials. Students have used the program for project and paper ideas. 

Outreach: We collaborate with units around campus and organizations in and around the southern Illinois region. We are available to advise you on programming, classes, or other sustainability related concepts!

More resources:

Books on Sustainability curriculum and higher education:

  • Aber, John, Tom Kelly and Bruce Mallory, Eds. The Sustainable Learning Community: One University’s Journey to the Future. New Hampshire, 2009.
  • Kahn, Richard. Critical Pedagogy, Ecoliteracy, and Planetary Crisis: the Ecopedagogy Movement. Peter Lang Publishing, 2010.
  • M’Gonigle, Michael and Justine Starke. Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University. New Society Publishers, 2006.
  • Murray, Paul. The Sustainable Self: A Personal Approach to Sustainability Education. Earthscan, 2011.
  • Rappaport, Ann and Sarah Hammond Creighton. Degrees that Matter: Climate Change and the University. MIT Press, 2007.
  • Stibbe, Arran. The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: Skills for a Changing World. Green Books Press, 2010.